★★★★★ The unmistakable heady, pure, sweet & nutty aroma of Beeswax!Creamy, slight Almond notes on top with a Rose and strong Honey accord heart and a waxy Vanilla base.Our oil is yet another example of the art of perfumery, this fragrance is composed entirely from a palette of raw materials to emulate the smell of beeswax and is Vegan friendly, naturally! Ideal for home fragrances and for wax blends where a subtle, natural aroma is the aim.Note: Beeswax is a very powerful fragrance, we suggest caution when you add to your product, and come to your own conclusion!Document Links: SDS, Allergens, IFRACLP info 10% * contains phthalates CLP info for other levels available on request (please check IFRA cert for maximum permissible levels under IFRA50) - just click here to email us with your request.